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Bill Cash

Sir Bill Cash steps down as MP

Veteran Conservative announces retirement at age 83

Sir Bill Cash has announced his retirement as the Member of Parliament for Stone. He will step down at the next general election.

Sir Bill has been the MP for Stone since 1997. He is the oldest member of the House of Commons and has been a vocal critic of the European Union for many years. He was a leading campaigner for Brexit and has said that he believes that the UK will be better off outside the EU.

In a statement, Sir Bill said: "It has been a huge privilege to serve the people of Stone for the past 25 years. I have always tried to put their interests first and I hope that I have made a positive contribution to our community. However, I feel that now is the right time for me to step down and for someone else to take on this important role."

Sir Bill's retirement will trigger a by-election in Stone. The Conservative Party will be hoping to hold on to the seat, but it is likely to face a challenge from the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats.


